Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Role of fruits and vegetables in fat loss

Losing fat is simple. All you have to do is stuff your diet with fruits and vegetables and you’ll end up eating fewer calories overall and the fat will just melt off your body.

Fruits and vegetables promote weight loss due to following reasons:
  • They are low in fat.
  • They are low in calories.
  • They are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • They eliminate wastes quickly and help reduce cravings for sweets.
  • They keep your energy levels steady so you don't become too hungry or too tired.They carry off excess body acids, and are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that satisfy the body's nutrient requirements with less food.
If you find it difficult to include a variety of fruits and vegetables into your family's diet, you can substitute some servings with fresh fruit juices, thick and frothy fruit smoothies, fresh vegetable juices, and gazpacho. Juicing allows you to eat more of the vegetables than you would normally otherwise.

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